The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.
(Genesis 2: 15)
The Situation in Sweden or:
How to destabilize a country
Each Swedish citizen is required to have a personal number.
Personal information is being published in the internet
telling each Swedish citizens full name, address,
date of birth and - approximate income.
If one does not like it he has to pay.
If one wants to put cash on his banking account
he has to give an explanation to the bank where he got it from.
There are plans to abolish cash in the nearby future,
by this giving an example for the rest of the world to
Several telephone companies do not connect to any official helpline,
"For safety's sake".
There is a new sort of Swedish text books, children books
and even films which all contain the underlying message that life
is a dreary and senseless place, with a glorification of death.
These textbooks claim Sweden to be the first "Post
Christian nation."
Christianity is pictured as being old fashioned
and leftovers only to be found in the museum.
Modern worship songs, when being translated into Swedish,
loose nearly all their original relevance and meaning.
Many churches are radically reducing in number.
The state decides what happens with the money in the Swedish Church.
A priest is expected to marry gay people. Many priests are
The health system`s philosophy in Scandinavia is built upon the ideas of the
Australian Peter Singer who advocates "the survival of only the fittest."
In Sweden people die because treatment is being procrastinated.
There are plans by the government for children to be able to change their gender
by means of an operation in order to "adapt their bodies to their gender identity".
Without permission of their parents, and health insurance pays.