The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.
(Genesis 2: 15)
Redding, Northern California, 2018.
( 11 min.)
Northern California, 2020.
(9 min.)
The above video explains why fungal proliferation on trees has become evident:
(min 5:45 - 6:30)
"The trees are weakened (...) because when the microbiome is poisoned
as its being poisoned by the toxic elements and the climate engineering operations,
the rain is literally toxic and it kills the beneficial microbiome in the soils,
and trees become weak, the root systems become weak.
Then we have six months of summer instead of three months.
The trees can `t take that so they become infected by all sorts of fungal elements.
Just like the human body when we take antibiotics
you kill off your beneficial bacteria, fungal proliferation ensues."
Northern California, 2015.
(10 min.)
Netherlands, 2014
(6 min.)
".. . its the same I see in Germany, Austria and Switzerland …. flora and fauna are out of ecological balance, the trees and
plants lost their beautiful light shining since a few years, specially after toxic rain and they die hungry and painful. Its so ... . I cant find words for this ...
(Anonymous watcher, May 2015).
New Hampshire, 2018.
(14 min.)
Mozambique, 2015.