The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.
(Genesis 2: 15)
This is a toy seemingly harmless.
This is meant to be a Christmas card.
There is a lot of confusion and disinformation
on the subject of geoengineering:
First of all, solar radiation management, geoengineering,
climate engineering or chemtrails, it all refers to the same.
Then are we being told by main stream media and the academic world
that geoengineering will maybe be used one day in the far away future.
The truth is, that this is already being conducted since long on a global level.
( 3 min)
This above video gives quite a mix of aspects, but it all comes down to this:
The overall problem is man made climate change caused by a rise of CO2.
The already heavily ongoing geoengineering and its effect on the climate
and on the rise of temperature is not mentioned with a single word.
Instead geoengineering is given as a possible solution for the future.
There might be side effects they say, but no matter what, it should be done.
The idea is, in order to lower the temperature,
(caused by geoengineering but they say its CO2)
to shut off the sunlight behind gases like Aluminum, Strontium and Barium
(= use geoengineering even more).
Finally the video suggests to reduce CO2
- which everybody would agree on,
and hopefully agree on all the rest, too.
... whereby this video is not clear whether reducing CO2 means to consume less energy
or whether it means sucking up CO2 artificially, which means starting Geoengineering.
Most main stream disinformation and confusion,
(whether comprehensive or simple),
is according to this
The below video declares that it's a conspiracy theory:
(min 15 - 28, in German)
What do other sources say about pilots who obviously have not seen anything?
And: Can I trust my own eyes when I am on a plane (or down on earth)?
This phenomenon can be watched in the skies over and over again:
Spraying turned on and off.
The trail cannot be fuel, otherwise the plane would come down.
A credible source is my eyes.
(See video "look up" on main page)